Youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” (Nr. 2017-1-LV02-KA105-001517)

Leading coordinator: The Latvian Red Cross

Partners: Estonian Red Cross, Portuguese Red CrossThe Netherlands Red Cross, German Red Cross, Austrian Red Cross.

Project implementation period: 15th of May – 14th of September, 2017

Project implementation regions: Riga, Riga region, Smiltene and Valka regions

Aims and objectives:

1) to provide the youth with an opportunity to see the diversity of voluntary activities in different countries, to share experiences and to learn from each other;
2) to give the young people an understanding of how crucial it is to carry out local voluntary work in order to bring positive changes on the national and international scale;
3) to create favourable conditions for the future international volunteer activity planning that will simultaneously take place in all member states of the project;
4) to improve communication, cooperation, decision-making, problem-solving and performance measurement skills of the youth;
5) to promote friendship between the young people, develop understanding and respect for cultural diversity, reduce stereotypes and establish new initiatives at the local and international level.

The project corresponds to the priority direction stated by the European Commission and will help to develop new activities for young people excluded from society, improve the critical thinking of the youth involved, including abilities to adequately measure the results achieved and to take the initiative in activity implementation. The project will also enhance active citizenship, promote tolerance among young people, in particular towards socially excluded and hardly educable peers, including youth and children refugees and asylum seekers, in order to facilitate their integration into local society, as well as foster cooperation and mutual understanding among young people from different countries.


  1. Advance planning visit: There will be 2 participants from each country group, one of them the Leader aged 18+ (the person who is able to lead the group of youngsters). This person will take the responsibility of his/her country group so it means the leader should be with experience in youth work/initiatives and must be able to take responsibility of the group, and to cooperate with other leaders and manage the processes during youth exchange. The second person is a youngster – youth exchange participant who, during this project, is learning how to be a group leader that will be useful for implementing next projects. This youngster is in the age range of 18 – 30 years. He/she is the person who will express his/her and youth group vision of youth exchange and its activities from the point of view of participants. The youngster will be selected by partner organization.
  2. Youth Exchange: There will be 1 group leader and 5 participants from each country. From Latvia there will be 2 group leaders. As Latvia is the hosting country with more responsibility for project activities, 2 leaders will share the responsibilities. One leader will be more responsible of the Latvian group and another leader will be more responsible for managing all groups in general. The group size is over 30 people and it demands for proper management, leading and facilitation processes.
    The group leader (description above) will take the responsibility of the group of 5 people aged 18 to 30. There will be equal balance of male and female in the overall youth exchange group.


Contact person for the Latvian Red Cross: Ms. Agnese Trofimova, e-mail:, Tel. 00 371 67686312

The Youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” is organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+:Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission.

Participant gives feedback on Youth Exchange experience in Latvia

36 youngsters form 6 countries join international youth exchange “Doing local, changing global”

YE “Doing local, changing global”: closing day

YE “Doing local, changing global”: closing day






YE “Doing local, changing global”: 6st day






YE “Doing local, changing global”: 4TH day

YE “Doing local, changing global”: 4TH day


YE “Doing local, changing global”: 3rd day


YE “Doing local, changing global”: 2nd day


YE “Doing local, changing global”: 1st day

Advence planning visit for Red Cross youth exchange by Erasmus+