On September 14, the Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) successfully concluded the National First Aid (FA) Competition. The event took place at the “Avārijas Brigāde” amusement park in the Ogre region, gathering student teams from all over Latvia to showcase their skills in providing first aid and responding to emergencies. A total of 72 students participated in the competition.
The competition stages included realistic accident scenarios and injuries, such as a road traffic accident with multiple casualties, an explosion, drowning, burns, amputations, severe bleeding, unconsciousness, and more. In each case, teams had to react quickly and be prepared to provide assistance until the arrival of medical professionals.
Schools from Daugavpils, Dobele, Jelgava, Limbazi, Kandava, Rezekne, and Riga were represented at the event. The performance of the teams was evaluated by experienced FA instructor assistants, teachers, medical professionals, and students.
All 12 teams showed excellent performance. The prestigious first place was claimed by Riga Secondary School No. 34, followed by Riga Secondary School No. 15 and Limbazi State Gymnasium.
On behalf of LatRC, we express our gratitude to the participants, actors, judges, and everyone involved in organizing the event! We also extend special thanks to the Emergency Medical Service for overseeing the judges’ work, and to AB Park, Jaunsardze Centre, Fazer Latvia, and Livu Aquapark for supporting the event.
Please note: The following photos contain simulated injuries, including fake blood and trauma scenarios. Viewer discretion is advised, especially for those sensitive to graphic images. These and more photos are available HERE