On January 16–17, over 40 Latvian and Ukrainian teachers participated in an educational workshop on suicide prevention and providing Psychological First Aid (PFA) for children. The event was organized by the Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) in Riga.
During the workshop, participants learned how to provide PFA to children, exploring various stress reactions, including more complex ones. They also engaged in practical self-help exercises, which are essential when supporting others, as well as simulation games focused on delivering emotional support to practice the skills they had acquired.
Representatives from the mental health support organization “Ogle” shared valuable insights on understanding suicide, theories of prevention, and the development of a personal “Safety Plan.” Experts from the crisis and counseling center “Skalbes” introduced participants to the types of support offered to individuals in crisis and shared their practical experience.
The workshop content was available in both Ukrainian and Latvian.
This event was organized by the LatRC as part of the international project “EU4Health” The project is funded by the European Union.
Since the beginning of 2023, the LatRC has been implementing activities within this project. In less than two years, LatRC PFA trainers have trained over 1600 individuals through the licensed PFA and PFA for Children programs. These individuals regularly provide support to people in crisis situations, including Ukrainian civilians in Latvia.
Together we can help!