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Families in Short-stay Accommodation centre “Burtnieks” celebrate 4th Advent

23.12 2016Uncategorized
Published on 22.12.2016. On December 17, thanks to the Norwegian Red Cross Ullensaker branch (and its director Morten Engebretsenun), a celebration of fourth Advent was organised in Short-stay Accommodation centre “Burtnieks”. The LatRC Youth members played the role of Santa and elves and together with parents wrapped the gifts for all the children. At the …

German Red Cross Hamburg – Harburg delegation visits LatRC’s  Riga Centre branch

17.08 2016Uncategorized
Published on 17.08.2016. 0n 12-13 August 2016, colleagues form German Red Cross Hamburg – Harburg regional branch visited the Latvian Red Cross Riga Centre branch. During the visit international team went to see the LatRC Social Centre “Kauguri” in Jurmala and night shelter “Gaiziņš” in Riga. The visit also included discussions about organizational plans related …

LSK sniedz pirmo palīdzību POSITIVUS festivālā

25.07 2016Uncategorized
Ziņa publicēta 25.07.2016. Jau informējām, ka LSK Pirmās palīdzības darbinieki šogad laikā no 14. līdz 18. jūlijam sniedza pirmo palīdzību festivālā POSITIVUS, kas ik gadu norisinās Salacgrīvā. Šogad mūsu pulks bija lielāks, jo mums pievienojās  kolēģi – pirmās palīdzības sniedzēji no Igaunijas Sarkanā Krusta. Līdz ar to, palīdzība tika nodrošināta četrās valodās – latviešu, igauņu, angļu …

NorRC Oppland branch donation to LatRC Rezekne branch

20.07 2016Uncategorized
As previously announced, in May 2016 LatRC Rezekne branch received from the Norwegian Red Cross Bang division (Oppland branch) a donation which included functional beds, second hand clothes, bedding, blankets and a donation of 800 Euros for the purchase of new bed mattresses. In early July Rezekne branch purchased 10 new mattresses and mattress covers. …

PrepAGE project finalizes with useful products available for all

27.05 2016Uncategorized
The aim of the PrepAGE-project which is co-funded by the European Commission’s DG ECHO was to introduce specific recommendations for older people in emergency and disaster preparedness and prevention programmes. The PrepAGE-project identified the needs, structures and measures to find out how to prepare and reach the target group of older people in case of …

Members of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement meets Minister of Health of Latvia

27.05 2016Uncategorized
On 9 May Minister of Health of Latvia Guntis Belēvičs met Members of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement – Mr.Simon Missiri, director of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Europe and Mr.Uldis Likops, Latvian Red Cross Secretary General. During the meeting possible cooperation between the Ministry and the …

LatRC Rezekne branch receives a donation form Norwegian Red Cross

26.05 2016Uncategorized
On 20 – 22 May 2016, colleagues from Norwegian Red Cross Oppland branch Bagn division visited LatRC’s Rezekne branch to deliver humanitarian aid. It consisted of 13 beds, nightstands, bed clothes, blankets and clothes.This humanitarian aid will be distributed to underprivileged citizens of Rezekne and its region. Norwegian Red Cross also donated EUR 800, 00 …

LatRC participates in international workshop HEALTY AGEING

20.05 2016Uncategorized
On May 10 – 13, 2016, in Budapest (Hungary) IFRC’s  Regional Office for Europe hosted the international workshop “Healthy ageing”. The workshop was attended by colleagues from 14 Red Cross Red Crescent national societies, including the Latvian Red Cross. The main goal of the workshop was to discuss and pilot the new IFRC Healthy Ageing …

LatRC youth from Rezekne joins camp “Winter friends -a friend with winter” in Norway

24.03 2016Uncategorized
Between the 3rd and 6th of March, Rezekne LRC young people participated in 4- day winter training camp in Norway, “Winter friends -a friend with winter.”  10 young people from Rezekne and Rezekne district participated on the training.  Their names are Eva Rubene, Jānis Šaudiņš Kristīne Pokule, Aivis Strankaļs Marija Kalinina, Aivars Mežatučs, Māra Gailume, …

Latvian Red Cross traveling exhibition in Talsi

22.03 2016Uncategorized
On Friday, January 8, Latvian Red Cross opened its traveling exhibition in Talsi city. The exhibition was opened with a speech by Mr. Uldis Likops, LatRC Secretary General, Mr.Aivars Lacarus, Talsi City Council Chairman, and Martins Vesperis – the curator of this exhibition, specialist of Pauls Stradins Museum of history of medicine. Also Mrs. Anita Boitmane, …

PrepAGE working group final meeting in Vienna, Austria

11.03 2016Uncategorized
On 18-19th February 2016 Austrian Red Cross hosted a PrepAGE working group final meeting in Vienna, Austria. The aim of the meeting was to exchange the experiences from each partner countries within the international Project PrepAGE – Enhancing disaster management preparedness for the older population in the EU. All project Partners – representatives of Austrian …

Study course “Red Cross and its principles” has successfully ended

28.01 2016Uncategorized
We are pleased to announce that a 2 month long study course “Red Cross and its principles” at the Red Cross Medical College of Riga Stradins University has successfully ended. On January 26, students of study programmes “Nursing” and “Physic” took a final exam. 33 future nurses and medical assistants showed their newly gained knowledge …