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Informative campaign “Drive Healthy”:

12.11 2020 Uncategorized

This week Latvian Automotive Club (LAMB) and the Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) has launched the campaign “Drive Healthy”. The main goal of a campaign is to inform and educate people about the significance of following the measures of hygiene and health safety while using private, public or rental transport.

“During COVID-19 pandemic it is important for everyone to take the safety measures, because that is how we can break the transmission chain. Close attention is paid to the change of the habits of an attendance and gathering in big public events. But in comparison less discussed is topic about how to reduce the spread of the virus among friends, family members and colleagues while using transport. It is worth remembering that COVID-19 virus can survive on surfaces for several days, that’s why it is crucial to take health safety measures seriously in private transport as well as in public transport,” Juris Zvirbulis, the President of LAMB.  

The most common mistakes made while using a transport:

  • before and after the use of transport hands are not washed with soap and water or disinfected with at least 70% alcohol based disinfectant;
  •  most cars do not have disinfectants;
  • face masks are not be used in cars used by persons who are not members of the same household.

“One of the LatRC priorities has always been health of the society. In these difficult times hygiene and environmental cleanliness plays an important and crucial role in limiting the spread of coronavirus. The responsibility of people for their own health and the health of their loved ones is especially important. It is necessary to raise an awareness about how to take care about the hygiene of hands, but also about that the surfaces of the everyday use vehicle must be clean and safe for the driver and passengers. LatRC encourage people to be responsible!” Uldis Līkops, the Sercretary General of the LatRC.

Together with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia informative materials have been prepared, they include recommendations on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in privare, public and rental (car rent, taxis, mopeds, bicycles, scooters) transports. 

Recommendations for private vehicles:

  1. Keep a disinfectant that contains at least 70% alcohol in the car.
  2. Regularly disinfect the vehicle by cleaning the car’s interior surfaces. Pay special attention to door handles, keys, steering wheel, gearshift, turn signal switches, buttons and seat belt buckles.
  3. Disinfectant or wipes containing at least 70% alcohol may be used for disinfection.
  4. If there are several passengers in the car who are not members of the same household, it is recommended to use a mask covering mouth and nose.
  5. Sit as far apart as possible from each other.
  6. Ventilate the passenger compartment during the journey as well as thoroughly after the journey.
  7. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after driving or disinfect your hands with a disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol.

Recommendations for public and rented transport:

  • Electric scooters, mopeds, bicycles and other public transport vehicles: it is advisable to disinfect the surfaces that will be touched by the hands (steering wheel, handles, etc.) before driving. Disinfectant or wipes containing at least 70% alcohol may be used for disinfection. Gloves can be worn during the trip. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after the trip or disinfect your hands with a disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol.
  • Public transport: use a mouth and nose mask, keep a safe distance from other passengers as much as possible. It is important not to touch your face with your hands, and to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after use or to disinfect your hands with a disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol.
  • Taxis: try to take a seat as far away from the taxi driver as possible when choosing the seat and use a mouth and nose cover. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after the trip or disinfect your hands with a disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol.
  • Rental transport: it is advisable to disinfect the surfaces touched by the hands before and after driving (door handles, keys, steering wheel, gearshift, turn signal switches, seat belt buckles, etc.). Disinfectant or wipes containing at least 70% alcohol may be used for disinfection. Ventilate the passenger compartment during the journey, as well as thoroughly ventilate the passenger compartment after the journey. If there are several passengers in the car who are not members of the same household, it is recommended to use a mouth and nose mask. As far as possible, sit as far apart as possible. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after driving or disinfect your hands with a disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol.

Awareness raising campaign “Drive Healthy” is organised by LAMB and LatRC. It is supported by Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia and International Automobile Federation (FIA).


Autoklubam LAMB kā sabiedriskai organizācijai ir vairāk nekā 20 gadu pieredze satiksmes drošības procesu analīzē. Dalība Starptautiskajā Automobiļu federācijā (FIA), kurā ir miljoniem biedru 145 pasaules valstīs, sniedz zināšanas par satiksmes drošības aktualitātēm piecos kontinentos, tādējādi paverot iespēju salīdzinājumiem un labākās prakses meklējumiem Latvijas satiksmes drošībai.

Par biedrību “Latvijas Sarkanais Krusts” (LSK)

Biedrība “Latvijas Sarkanais Krusts” jau vairāk nekā 100 gadu sniedz dažāda veida palīdzību iedzīvotājiem, kuriem tā nepieciešama visvairāk. Veselības veicināšana un līdzcilvēku atbildīga rīcība ir LSK prioritātes, kas vienlaikus ir arī biedrības darbības virzītājspēki. Sarkanā Krusta kustība darbojas 192 valstīs, t. sk. Latvijā, tās dalīborganizācijas ir apvienotas Starptautiskajā Sarkanā Krusta un Sarkanā Pusmēness biedrību federācijā (IFRC). Kustībā ir vairāk nekā 14 miljonu brīvprātīgo, kas ik dienas iesaistās gan humānisma, gan veselības veicināšanas aktivitātēs.

9. novembra rītā U. Līkops piedalījās TV3 raidījumā “900 sekundes”, kurā kopā ar LAMB direktoru Juri Zvirbuli diskutēja par sabiedrības veselības drošību COVID-19 izplatības laikā Latvijā un pasaulē.

Aicinām noskatīties interviju. 

Papildu informācija:

Agnese Trofimova

Biedrības “Latvijas Sarkanais Krusts” Starptautisko un sabiedrisko attiecību programmas vadītāja

Tālr.: 67686312

E-pasts: agnese.trofimova@redcross.lv

Zane Sāviča

LAMB komunikācijas konsultante

Tālr.: 29785691


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